
  • Pursuant to Resolution passed in the Board Meeting dated 13.11.2017, Ms. Sowjanya Poojary has been appointed as Company Secretary & Compliance Officer and Ms. Bhumika Sidhpura has tendered her resignation from the post of Company Secretary, Compliance Officer and Chief Financial officer dated 13.11.2017
  • A member of the Company intend to propose the candidature of Mr. Rajesh Pillai (DIN: 07585805) (vide letter dated July 09, 2017), for the office of Director in the ensuing AGM (August 17, 2017) for which the cheque of requisite amount has been received.
  • Pursuant to Resolution passed in the Board Meeting dated 11.05.2018, Mr. Pradipkumar Vaghela has been appointed as Chief Financial officer of the Company with effect from 11.05.2018.
  • (i)Pursuant to Resolution passed in the Board Meeting dated 14.12.2018, Ms.Nishi Dhirawat has been appointed as Company Secretary & Compliance Officer and Ms. Sowjanya Poojary has tendered her resignation from the post of Company Secretary&  Compliance Officer dated 22.10.2018.
  • (ii) Pursuant to Resolution passed in the Board Meeting dated 12.02.2019, Mr.Rajiv Kotia, Managing Director of the Company has been appointed as Chairman and Mr. Amarjeet Singh Salwant has tendered his resignation from the post of Chairman and Non Executive Director dated 12.02.2019.
